Sunday, March 30, 2008

For Krystal Law

Her wandering eyes flicker

At the light growing dimmer

Swollen lids try to resist

The last glimpses of her mother

A melody too familiar

Floats across her ears and lingers

Since she was too young to remember

This lullaby from the rocker

By her bed sits her sister

Who puts her arms around her

A thousand things yet to whisper

Only I love you was all she could muster

It’s only at the end we remember

The reasons we are brought together

Without love and loss as a reminder

Life becomes one meaningless blunder

With a strength unlike any other

She smiles and reaches out to our Father

Angels are needed in heaven as healers

Where there she will rest in peaceful splendor

Monday, March 3, 2008


I think I have reached a new level in my life. One in which I no longer trust my emotions and what it might or might not represent. I feel like I did such a successful job of building a tall and pretty wall imitating the "me" other people see, so much so that I feel empty inside. It's as if the room I've built is so large that the inner me is struggling to keep up with the image I have set for myself. As a result, I have decided to focus on the inner child. I no longer want to maintain the walls around me but rather live within myself. If this means I have to distance myself socially from others or to take a step back from being in the spotlight, then I am willing to go there. I no longer want to care or assume what other people think of me except to remind myself to do the right thing when it comes to treating others. Otherwise, I want to live as one and be content with the me that only I feel and assume. This newfound change has already begun to set me aside from the superficial things I normally care about. I want to walk slowly but surely and most likely alone. I can only ask for God and Buddha to give me the strength to proceed onto paths less treaded.